School & Home Good News - Kedleston Group
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Referrals : 0800 024 6985 | [email protected]

School Contact Information

Unified Vision: Kedleston Group schools...

On Friday 5th July Kedleston Group hosted its annual IT/Technology Day, bringing together...

Ems' New Role

Fernways School student Ems Webster, has been selected to act as a Youth Researcher in an...

Olly's Success

We recently heard from former Arc School Ansley pupil Olly about the wonderful achievements he...

The JJ Effect Training Benefits Ivytree

As part of supporting young people across our schools and homes as proactively and safely as...

Nuneaton Festival of Arts - Craft Entry, Art...

Pupils have been working hard creating some fabulous pieces of work - which we displayed and...

Relationships key to outstanding success at...

Many elements can contribute to a child’s progress and change does not happen overnight,...

Positive family support and a return home

The team at Dovedale have successfully brought a family back together through its positive...
