Our High Peak House in Cheshire East is a nurturing home led by a highly experienced team where they help children feel safe, cared for and give them plenty of space to grow, develop their passions and to have fun.
We caught up with some Social Workers, IROs and parents for feedback on how the home has helped their child so far this year, this is what they had to say…
"He has made progress in all areas of his life over the past year, from managing better in school, to developing friendships, playing alongside others as well as emotionally maturing.”
“I would like to thank High Peak for the care and commitment they show, he is happy and settled and continues to make steady progress”.
"Communication from the home is always appropriate and professional.”
“My child enjoys living at High Peak, as it’s just a small group of a similar age children, and they do a lot of fun indoor and outdoor activities.”
“My child has made improvements in being able to regulate their emotions, and to reflect on how their behaviours can impact others.”
“High Peak is a safe space and the consistency in approach, routines and boundaries there means children feel at ease.”
Great work team.
Interested in finding out more about our bespoke and supportive children’s homes? Get in touch with the team on referrals@kedlestongroup.com or 0800 024 6985.