Kedleston Group is delighted to share the exam results and achievements of our students for 2017-18 and announce we have seen more students than ever achieve formal qualifications.
Across our seven secondary schools, 78 students achieved formal qualifications across arrange subjects during 2017-18, which has helped them progress to Further Education placements or Apprenticeships.
Our schools saw pupils achieve a range of qualifications with more than 394 separate achievements across the more than 100 different qualifications on offer including GCSEs and Functional Skills.
Dr Lynda Mitchell, Director of Quality and Compliance (Education), said: “These are fantastic achievements for the students who have throughout the year shown incredible resilience, along with dedication to their studies, which is reflected in these great results.
“Each of our leavers has achieved on average of at least five qualifications this year. Our leavers have achieved English and mathematics qualifications, in addition to other GCSE passes in science, preparation for working life, art and photography.
“We’re delighted to say that every leaver has gone on to their next destination with a formal English and mathematics qualification, which are vital for on-going achievement and success.
“Across our schools we offer a wide range of qualifications, more than 100 in all this year. These are chosen by students to suit their individual goals and aspirations and range from more traditional subjects such as health and social care through to equine studies, lifesaving and indoor climbing.
“The focus is very much in supporting the student to progress in the way they would like and giving them qualifications and experiences they will need to move onto further academic or vocational study or employment.
“All our leavers have again secured placements in education training or employment this year and we wish them all the very best for the future.”
Kedleston operates schools which provide educational settings for young people with social, emotional and mental health difficulties. Many of the students supported by our schools have experienced significant challenges during their education and in many cases, have been out of education for months or years before coming to a Kedleston School.
The schools are focused on helping young people achieve the skills they need to succeed when they leave school, getting them ready for further education and the workplace.
Chief Operating Officer Lee Reed said: “It is with great pride again that I congratulate our leavers on their achievements which continue to improve year on year across the group as we offer a wider range of meaningful and formal qualifications to best meet the needs of our students.
“Through these achievements, they move on to the next stage of their lives with the tools they will need to maximise their potential in education and employment.”
We have a range of residential and day schools across the UK and pupils from High Peak School in Cheshire, Olsen House School in Liverpool, Wings School Cumbria, Wings School Nottingham, Arc Schools Ansley and Old Arley in Warwickshire, and Leaways School in London all sat a range of GCSE examinations and alternatives in a range of subjects.