Getting the final measurements!
Here’s Emma from Experia Innovations getting the final measurements to place an order for the Immersive technology, Rebound therapy and Sensory rooms.
The purpose built state-of-the-art school will provide a safe learning environment for children living with autism (ASC), who also face other challenges such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia and attachment disorder (AD). Children with Social Emotional Mental Health difficulties will thrive with the bespoke approach to teaching and learning.
Using Kedleston Group`s extensive experience in supporting children with additional needs (ASC/SEMH), Mill School Bury learning environments are designed to create a calm and welcoming atmosphere taking into account the sensory needs of all our children and young people. The enabling surroundings will see the use of muted colour schemes, specialist lighting, individual work stations and visual communication strategies.
We look forward to opening the school in the spring 2020, watch this space for up to date information on the exciting progress!