During the schools’ ‘Choice Time’ today one of children was lucky to spend some time with the police and discover the features of the Quad bikes and cars. He was very interested in how they work and enjoyed testing them out himself. Olsen House is enjoying building positive relationships between students and Merseyside police.
Children and young people from diverse backgrounds go to the school because they cannot continue in mainstream education for various reasons.
The school provides a safe learning environment for pupils with social, emotional and mental health (SEMH) with associated needs including deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism (ASC), moderate and specific learning difficulties (LD).
The school aims to prepare children and young people for the future through a modern curriculum that meets their individual needs and provides ‘an honest environment’ where every young person is valued and supported.
This is a brilliant example of how the school ensures children and young people get the opportunity to experience new things and work with people from the local community.