Contact Details | Contact Us | Arc School Ansley | Schools | Our Locations | Kedleston Group
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Referrals : 0800 024 6985 | [email protected]

School Contact Information

Referrals : 0800 024 6985 | [email protected]

School Contact Information

Want to get in touch? We’d love to hear from you…


Click here and get in contact to find out more information or make a referral so that we can get in contact with you with further information and guidance on the next steps to a placement. Once you have fully filled out the form and pressed submit you should get an email confirmation, this may appear in your ‘junk' email box so look out for it.

You only need to submit one form per enquiry for our team to take a look through and they will respond to you as soon as possible.

In order to process a parent enquiry we will need a copy of your child's EHCP to determine whether or not we can meet needs and ideally a consultation from the relevant Local Authority.


General Enquiries for the School


Ansley Lane, Ansley, Nuneaton, CV10 9ND


01676 543810


[email protected]


Head Teacher

Mick Simpson


01676 543810


[email protected]


Referral Manager

Raj Bahra


07580 665837


[email protected]


Kedleston Group Head Office

Unit 7, Brook Business Centre, Cowley Mill Road, Uxbridge, UB8 2FX


0203 823 3030


[email protected]