Arc Old Arley Primary Offer
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Referrals : 0800 024 6985 |

School Contact Information

Referrals : 0800 024 6985 |

School Contact Information

Key information

  • Day School.
  • 7-11.
  • Outcomes include over coming barriers to learning and reintegration into education.
  • Primary need of SEMH, with additional needs such as ADHD, autism, learning needs and specific learning difficulties.
  • Educational Psychologist, Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy.
  • Focus on learning outside the classroom and enrichment opportunities.
  • Nurturing classroom environments and class groups of up to 6 with a rigorous focus on supporting individual sensory needs as well as personal, social and emotional needs.
  • KS2 and specialist trained teaching and support staff.

What else is on offer?

At Arc School Old Arley the KS2 provision is delivered within purpose built, classrooms and an outside trim trail for children to explore.

The school is located in a small village in the North Warwickshire countryside with large fields all around. Staff enjoy all the benefits the local area and school site have to offer to support children’ learning and development.  This includes taking the emotional support dogs for beautiful long walks in the woods opposite the school and enjoying a range of outdoor activities in the school’s purpose built Forest School area.

The primary class sizes are small and nurturing, with no more than 6 children in one classroom.  Each class group is taught by the specialist class teacher and supported by highly trained support staff.  Each room is communication and ASC friendly, including the use of visual symbols to support children’ understanding. Each classroom also has a sensory room attached with colour changing lights and effects for children to be able to take quiet time out when needed. Children have access to sensory toys, weighted blankets and a variety of other resources relevant to their individual needs and sensory diet plans.

Children are able to access a range of other areas within the school such as the outdoor and indoor gyms, pool room, playgrounds and specialist teaching areas to support their individual needs and development.  There are several emotional support dogs onsite that children can go and see whenever they feel they need a hug, a movement break or to talk with staff.  Children often choose to see the dogs during times of crisis to help with self-regulation and promote emotional well-being.

The staff who support children in KS2 are specifically trained for the age range and abilities of the children, particularly with regards to supporting young people with additional needs such as SEMH, autism and ADHD.

All children have personalised timetables which cater for their individual learning and development needs. This includes access to the National Curriculum, therapeutic and academic interventions, sensory play and additional support where appropriate. Children enjoy spending time with peers in the main school at break times but have the opportunity to have their own breaks separately if required in the purpose build KS2 playground area. Children have the flexibility to eat in the main hall or in their classrooms if they prefer a quieter environment. 

Children are encouraged to read to each other or listen to staff read during daily DEAR time (Drop Everything And Read), in order to support the school focus on ‘reading for pleasure’.

The school implements rigorous baseline assessment procedures, particularly at KS2 so that staff are able to plan effectively to ensure that any gaps in pupil’s learning are narrowed and strategies are incorporate to overcome barriers to learning.  Children are encouraged to make meaningful friendships, understand themselves and others and the world around them through a variety of structured therapeutic and play programmes.

Progress is tracked and monitored throughout the year, with timely interventions implemented for individuals wherever required. The school complete end of term and end of year reports which are sent to parents/carers, LA’s and other relevant professionals.  The relationships between the children’ homes and school are an essential part of ensuring that placements are successful and are vitally important to the individual’s holistic progress.  This is well supported through the regular contact the staff have with parents/carers via phone, email and face to face contact.