Residential SEMH and Autism School in Cheshire
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Referrals : 0800 024 6985 | [email protected]

School Contact Information

Referrals : 0800 024 6985 | [email protected]

School Contact Information

Key Information

  • Day School
  • Ages 7 - 16
  • ASC, SEMH, ADHD, MLD, Attachment and Trauma
  • Specialist multi-disciplinary team of leaders, carers, therapists and educationalists
  • Functional Skills, GCSEs and ASDAN Work Preparation and Employability Qualifications
  • Clinical Psychology, Educational Psychology, Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Psychiatry
  • Specific DBT Therapy pathway led by the clinical team

High Peak School is a specialist primary and secondary school offering education for children on the autism spectrum, those with social, emotional and mental health (SEMH) needs, and young people with ADHD, dyspraxia and dyslexia and other associated learning difficulties.

The aims and values of High Peak School are focused on maximising every individuals’ potential to develop into confident, resilient, critical thinkers who will make a positive contribution to society and live as independent a life as possible.

The school is set on the border of Cheshire East and the Peak District and provides education for children with social, emotional and mental health (SEMH) needs, individuals on the autism spectrum and young people with ADHD, dyspraxia and dyslexia.

Our specialist multi-disciplinary team of leaders, carers, therapists and educationalists work seamlessly together. They teach and proactively support pupils who have been subjected to adverse childhood experiences, including trauma, toxic stress and associated mental wellbeing difficulties, aiming to break the cycle of adversity.

The environment and teaching approaches are tailored to ensure our children and young people thrive and can develop their self-esteem.

High Peak is based in a specially-converted former hotel with 20 acres of land and offers a range of opportunities for indoor and outdoor learning in a stunning rural setting. The bespoke environment boasts state-of-the-art facilities including low arousal teaching spaces, nurturing therapy rooms, a range of outdoor recreational spaces and even its own performing arts studio.

The curriculum at the school is designed to take each individual child’s own educational needs into account and maximise their opportunities for success. Children and young people enjoy access to an extensive range of imaginative learning opportunities which capture and sustain their interest such as raptor assisted learning, bush craft and music studio work. We also offer a range of qualifications including functional Skills, GCSE’s and ASDAN Work Preparation and Employability Qualifications.

Our therapeutic approach is embedded in the ARC (Attachment, regulation and competencies) model, which is a systemic trauma informed model. With the ARC model, we aim to integrate attachment principles into a “whole-systems” intervention.  In addition, we use a Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) framework which offers emotional coaching as a key element of our curriculum, to promote emotional wellbeing and resilience.

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During 2021 - 2022 High Peak School recieved 0 complaints.