Referrals : 0800 024 6985 | [email protected]
School Contact Information
For the safety of pupils and staff, High Peak School will remain closed on Thursday 9th January due to the extreme icy conditions on site.
We thought we would check in with a parent from our High Peak School in Cheshire to find out how their child is getting on....
News Editor
High Peak, Kedleston Group News
“Since my child started at High Peak School in September the change in him both academically and personally is astounding. He has gone from having limited education from an early age to now meeting targets and taking part in lessons. He now has a sense of belonging and he wants to learn and he wants to go to school. At home he is calmer, more positive and laughs and smiles more. I can’t thank the school enough for everything they have done for him.”
You can speak to the team about placements and referrals for our High Peak School on 0800 024 6985 or [email protected]
High Peak School – Climbing to Success -