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Our Curriculum Pathways

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Our Curriculum

Our Key Stage Two Provision

We currently have one primary aged class for upper Key Stage Two. Although many of our pupils are behind age-related expectations when they join us, learning follows the primary KS2 National Curriculum, allowing each child to make individual progress from their starting points. Our learners benefit from a small, well-structured classroom with an experienced class teacher and teaching assistant who adapt the learning to meet the needs of each child.

The National Curriculum compulsory subjects each class covers include English, Maths, Science, History, Geography, Religious Education, Computing, Physical Education, Art and Design, Music, Design and Technology, Modern Foreign Languages and PSHE. There is a key focus on Phonics, Literacy and Numeracy to help close any gaps in the learning which our students may have. Reading and enjoyment of books is heavily emphasised throughout each of the key stages.

All pupils at Key Stage 2 have timetabled swimming lessons, along with outdoor education lessons in our Forest school on site. At Key Stage 2, our children have access to careers information through school visits from a range of professionals, a careers fair and links within the curriculum.

Our Key Stage Three Provision

Most of our key stage three pupils are on the academic pathway which follows the National Curriculum subjects: English, Maths, Science, History, Geography, Religious Education, Art and Design, PE, Music, Modern Foreign Languages, PSHE/Citizenship and Computing.

Two of our Key Stage 3 classes are on the functional pathway which includes lessons in the following subjects adapted for their ability: English, Maths, Science, History, Art & Design, RE, Geography, Music, and P.E. In both classes, there is a large emphasis on independent living skills preparing the children for life after Mill School. This is incorporated into the curriculum and includes a range of skills such as cooking a meal, budgeting, first aid, travel training and more.

All pupils at Key Stage 3 also have timetabled outdoor education lessons in our forest school to foster resilience, teamwork, communication, life skills, and to further build their confidence.

Our Key Stage Four Provision

Key Stage 4 at Mill School aims to help children become ready for their next step through academic achievement, the development of skills – both social and vocational, and through promoting their independence, confidence and self-esteem.

All children study English, Maths and Science, with the intention to achieve a qualification which reflects their ability, including GCSE, functional skills and entry level. To prepare children for life after Mill school and further foster independence, all pupils have lessons in PSHE, PE, Social and Communication and Careers.

Core Subjects (qualifications offered):

· English Language – GCSE, Functional Skills Level 1 and 2, Entry Level

· Maths – GCSE, Functional Skills Level 1 and 2, Entry Level

· Science – GCSE Double Award, Entry Level

Option Subjects (pupils choose three):

· English Literature (GCSE)

· History (GCSE/Entry Level)

· Religious Education (GCSE/Entry Level)

· Geography (GCSE/Entry Level)

· Computer Science (GCSE/Entry Level)

· iMedia (GCSE)

· Art (GCSE/Entry Level)

· Music (GCSE/Entry Level)

· Home cooking skills (BTEC)

· Design & Technology (GCSE/Entry Level)

· P.E (GCSE, Sports Leader)

· Duke of Edinburgh Award

· Expressive Arts Award

· Sports Leaders Award

After Mill School Bury

We are very proud of our year 11 leavers and what they have moved on to do and continue to celebrate their achievements. So far post-sixteen destinations have included:

Courses at mainstream colleges, including computing, building, childcare and plumbing. A-levels in Art, Hospitality and Catering, Computer Games Design, and Textiles.

Our intention is that pupils leave Mill School with the necessary social, academic and vocational skills to be happy and healthy in the wider world.