Who We Are & Where We Are | Our Story | Austen Cottage | Children's Homes | Our Locations | Kedleston Group
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Referrals : 0800 024 6985 | [email protected]

School Contact Information

Referrals : 0800 024 6985 | [email protected]

School Contact Information

Who we are

Our overall aim is to provide a safe environment that supports children presenting with SEMH difficulties to achieve positive outcomes. Our specialist model is designed to provide a unique, integrated approach to care, education, health and mental health supported within a nurturing residential setting. This allows us to help children build resilience, promote social inclusion, support engagement in the community and educational and vocational activities, promote independence and support children in rehabilitation and recovery amongst other outcomes.

We support young people to achieve their full potential and to step down into foster care or safely return home and help prepare them for independent living and further education, training, or work.

Our staff team undertake specialist training so they can support children’s complex needs and mental health. The home works with a team of clinicians which includes a psychologist, consultant psychiatrist, Occupational Therapist and a speech and language therapist.

Where we are
