Referrals : 0800 024 6985 | [email protected]
School Contact Information
We know it can be daunting as a family, finding the right school for your child or young person. So, we are here to help. Our bespoke and nurturing schools and children's homes across England support children on the autism spectrum and/or have additional needs. Our aim is to provide outstanding care and education which includes offering memorable experiences and results in positive outcomes for our children and young people.
Here are some of our most frequently asked questions to help you make a referral…
For the safety of pupils and staff, High Peak School will remain closed on Thursday 9th January due to the extreme icy conditions on site.
To be considered for a placement your child will need an EHCP in place, or have one in the process of being finalised. We can only take placement referrals through your Local Authority, who will share the EHCP documents with us for consideration.
Take a look at our admissions process for all the information you need.
Take a look on the map on Our Journey. Click on whichever school you are interested in to find out more information.
To find out about vacancies in our schools and homes please give us a call on 0800 0246 985 or [email protected].
Class sizes are small in most of our school and the classroom environments are nurturing to support the additional individual needs of each young person.
Check out the Kedleston Group offer page for more information on a specific provision.
We support young people with a range of special educational needs and difficulties including social, emotional and mental health needs, social emotional and behavioural difficulties, autistic spectrum conditions, ADHD and other associated communicational difficulties.
We support the young people whose needs cannot be met in mainstream.
We believe in looking at the needs of each individual young person and finding the right educational and residential solution for them.
You will need to let the Local Authority know you are interested in a placement at one of our schools and homes. They may choose to fund the placement. If they don’t there are plenty of agencies who can support you with your application, why not take a look at our top tips below for more advice with this.
Why not take a look at our Top Tips (see below) for some further advice and guidance.
We are here to help with the process. We work in partnership with young people, their families and carers and other stakeholders to achieve outcomes which make a difference.
Looking for additional support? Parent Info provides support and advice to parents, with contributions from the leading experts and organisations in matters related to young people and families in a digital world. Click here.
Are you looking for a specialist school or home placement? We’d love to get connected. Fill out the enquiry form and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible with information about the next steps.