The children at our Arc Napton School respond best to limited choices, a real life approach to learning and challenges that both engage and excite. The children know best how they learn and what they wish to learn. The staff also know the children extremely well. With this in mind they set about creating a curriculum that met individual need, provided high quality learning opportunities that incorporated the staff and children’s ideas and vision.
The biggest request from the children was for more time outside. So the school has put in an outdoor learning programme that includes formal Forest School teaching, Gardening, tennis, equine therapy, physical education and local community based activities.
A cooking slot with the school chef has been added in as well as specific domestic science/life skills lessons where these topics are covered in an active, fun and real context.
Each class now has a topic based offsite trip each half term. Those who have been on the trip then share their knowledge and experiences with the next group which supports development of transition, planning and preparation skills.
A morning a week is now devoted to a Fundamental British Values with in the PSHE session and for our Year 6 children, there is targeted group and individual transition work.
Teachers are given the autonomy to match the learning to the National Curriculum and to Children’s individual needs and preferences. As an example - science is being taught through sensory play and maths is being taught through taking the lesson outside the confines of the classroom and using found resources from around the school to problem solve and achieve.
Progress, achievement and attainment are all celebrated and are all a central focus but so is fun, teamwork, learning how to be a good friend and developing a sense of self-worth and self-value. And what could be more exciting and empowering than having all this - and knowing it is part of a curriculum that you helped to develop?