Lila is an extremely bright and artistic young person but could experience significantly challenging behaviour and struggled to regulate her emotions. This could lead to her biting, spitting and kicking members of staff or negatively engaging with her peers.
While at her previous school, this behaviour became so challenging Lila was supported on a 1:1 or 2:1 basis and often was educated alone in the SES area of her school – something usually reserved for secondary age students. Lila was at this stage in Year 2.
She came to Leaways in Y3 and was supported in the school’s bespoke primary provision. Staff helped her focus on regulating her emotions and to enjoy a range of artistic ways of expressing herself.
A highly intelligent and talented girl, she was second in the national Kedleston Group literary competition and has excelled in her artistic pursuits.
Such is her progress she is now ready to transition back to mainstream after the summer break. Her new school is just a few minutes from her home and the team at Leaways know that Lila will make a huge success of her move back into a mainstream environment.