Professional Blog - Kedleston Group
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Referrals : 0800 024 6985 | [email protected]

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High Peak: Holistic Speech and Language Support

We caught up with Jane Green, Speech and Language Therapist at our High Peak School in Cheshire...

Positive and life-changing outcomes.

With a growing number of children in the care population, and with fewer potential foster...

Cultivating Transferrable Skills for Life

Sport and Leadership at Wings School Notts

🌟 Empowering our Autistic Learners 🌟

Let's talk about empowering our autistic children. Education plays a crucial role in shaping...

Creating opportunities in an evolving sector

Providing opportunities for children with special educational needs - in the locations...

How can trips away enhance socialisation in...

Today, we’re going to assess three of the most effective ways that a trip away can help to...

How can dogs help development in children with...

We caught up with Tyra Sullivan who has pulled together this helpful guide for parents….