This is a very strange and uncertain time, especially for the children and young people in our schools and children’s homes. Our staff are going above and beyond thinking up imaginative and inventive ways of staying positive, being happy and supporting the local community. Let’s hear from the hard work at our High Peak School, Cheshire........
The farm near to High Peak School normally supplies the local hospitality industry, but as these are sadly closed down at the moment, High Peak have offered to buy the produce instead. They will be using the fresh goods internally to feed everyone but also selling some additional items onto the staff. This way the local farmer is able to keep his production and income going, and the children and young people and staff are kept well nourished!
One of the children’s parents has kindly donated games, colouring books and activity resources for our young people residing on site, which was very kind of them and is going to keep everyone very busy!
Keeping busy, staying fit and active is definitely the number one priority. The staff have even been organising scavenger hunts and outdoor activities in the beautiful grounds for the children to take part in.
The team at High Peak School have really pulled together and there is a real sense of ‘in it together’! Great job team!