We love to offer training and development opportunities to all of our staff within the Kedleston Group. 2019 has certainly been a very busy year for training, Clare Cartwright, Kedleston Group Care Training and Development Lead, gives us an update:
“During the past 12 months, Kedleston has been looking at the training and development and the NVQs of the care teams across our residential schools and homes. We have taken on three trainers across the sites to take a lead on the training and NVQs.
“One of the biggest things achieved this year has been that we have developed a full two week care induction for all new staff joining the company to ensure they have knowledge and an understanding of our young people before they start working with them directly. Part of the induction includes doing shadow shifts with house staff, which has proved to be really effective as it gives them time to understand how the homes run.
“We are also ensuring there is full training programme set for the care teams for the year so they know what training is coming up and also to ensure we are getting in all mandatory training.
“Now the sites have onsite NVQ assessors/trainers it means that staff can get on with their Level 3 diplomas more quickly and more effectively as the staff have someone on site who understands the role and can gain better evidence of how well the care teams are doing their roles.
“The trainers as well as some care managers and some of the corporate team have just completed a three-day train the trainer course, which will allow us to deliver the knowledge and experience everyone has to the care teams across the sites more quickly and with staff that have a really good understanding of the young people.
“We are currently working to train the trainers to bring in more experience to our young people over the next 12 months and will continue to develop the care training to support our brilliant care staff teams in supporting our young people.”
We look forward to sharing more exciting opportunities in 2020..........