All the children and young people resident at Austen Cottage will be engaging in education via local schools (including the ARC schools – Austen Cottage’s sister company) and colleges or Training Centre’s that can cater for the needs of the young people. Due to the potential age range of the residents some may also on occasions be in apprenticeships or accessing GCSE courses.
Austen Cottage adopts a child centred approach and believes that every individual has the right to access every opportunity to enjoy learning, experience achievement and maximise their potential.
Each child/young person will also engage in an extensive age appropriate self-care/life-skills programme in the home, enabling them to learn additional valuable skills they will require upon reaching independence. Should a child/young person arrive at Austen Cottage without an identified education provision it will be the priority of Austen Cottage to assist their local authority in sourcing an appropriate provision as soon as possible. Whilst so doing Austen Cottage will ensure the authority source one to one tutoring to cover the subjects of English Maths and Science until placement in an education provision is secured.
Children and young people also have supervised access to computers outside normal school hours. Staff will always support and assist the children and young people to complete homework tasks set for them, promote reading and help in preparation for any tests or exams.