We offer a broad and balanced curriculum with subject specific classrooms and learning spaces for science, history, geography, music, food technology, information technology and horticulture. Following timely baseline assessments, Wings Notts offers a gradual transition period for children and young people to settle them in to their new school life and ensure they are receiving an appropriate and relevant educational offer.
We also have a fantastic opportunity for young people who are unable to access our more traditional model, taking learning outside of the classroom, allowing pupils to experience new things and reengage with learning. This enhances their educational outcomes and provides them opportunities to develop social skills and become positive members of their community. We operate a pathway model, using baseline and progress data, staff observation, pupil voice and evidence recorded, pupils are placed upon an appropriate pathway ensuring they receive the suitable, relevant and targeted interventions and curriculum to meet their needs. We also work with some amazing local contacts to truly enhance our pupils’ experiences and influence their outcomes.
In addition to formal timetabled lessons, Key Stage 4 young people are provided with careers and college guidance, social and economic skills and work experience to prepare them for adult life. All pupils are assigned a keyworker, through this relationship they are given a link, a ‘safe space’ to develop and progress. Keyworkers provide a line of communication between parents/carers, coordinate and lead children’s meetings to address any issues or concerns, celebrate successes and are included in any multiagency meetings for their keychild.
We offer a range of accredited courses including GCSE, Functional Skills, Entry Level, BTEC and ASDAN. In addition to this, we recognise that speech, language and communication difficulties impact many of our learners, to address this we offer regular literacy lessons, following the Read Write Inc phonics and fresh start schemes, provide plenty of opportunities to read, explore various mediums and promote the value and enjoyment from reading.
In addition to our educational offer, we provide a therapeutic service, with access to Clinical Psychology and an onsite Occupational Therapy team. This is embedded across Wings Notts to provide a holistic up, multidisciplinary approach, which is child centred and solution focused. We work as a team around the child and draw on a range of evidence-based interventions that are tailored to each young person’s individual needs.
Please take a look at our prospectus/brochure for more information.
View our Curriculum policy here