Autism School in Windlesham, Surrey
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Referrals : 0800 024 6985 | [email protected]

School Contact Information

Referrals : 0800 024 6985 | [email protected]

School Contact Information

Headteacher's Welcome

At Fernways School, inclusivity shines brightly as we embrace each child and young person's unique journey, ensuring no one is left behind. Our aim is to cultivate independent or interdependent, resilient, confident, and motivated young people. 

My vision for Fernways School is one that establishes a flourishing learning community defined by personalised learning experiences, collaborative learning, academic rigor contextualised within real-world experiences, and an environment highly attentive to the social, emotional, and mental health needs of our students. We care a lot about how our students feel and want to make sure they are happy and healthy, both inside and outside of school.

At Fernways, we aim to nurture, and ensure that our students are provided with the social, emotional and communicative support to navigate the wider world as we prepare them for their next step in life. Our goal is to give them the skills they need to tackle whatever comes their way. I am extremely enthusiastic to see our students through on this exciting path to growth and success.

Nikeisha Webb-Hardy, Headteacher.

Meet the team
Headteacher's Welcome

Fernways School provides specialist support for children with an autism spectrum condition in an environment designed to best meet their learning needs.

Our welcoming, warm and nurturing school supports up to 45 children in Key Stages 2, 3 and 4, in small classes. 

We help children re-engage positively with education including those who have been out of education for a significant period of time or who have had negative experiences in other school placements.

Our specially-designed environment has been created to best meet children’s sensory needs and create the best setting for them to learn and achieve their potential.

What can Fernways School offer?

  • A specially designed learning environment created to meet sensory needs.
  • A low arousal and nurturing safe place where children can learn and grow.
  • Small class sizes of no more than six.
  • Each class is supported by one teacher and a teaching assistant.
  • Classrooms will be ‘enabling environments’ with sensory lighting, muted colours, individual workstations and visual timetables. 

The school offers children opportunities to learn outside the classroom, through forest schools and accessing their local community. The school helps children prepare for life outside school and adulthood. There is a focus on further education, training and careers.  

The school is supported by a clinical team, including SALT and OT embedded within the school day.

Through close partnerships with families, professionals and the wider community, Fernways School will ensure that all children who attend the school meet their full potential and flourish.

Read About Our Offer View Our Prospectus

Get to know us

  • Small and nurturing, up to 45 place

    Small and nurturing, up to 45 place

  • Safe, enabling environment supporting sensory needs

    Safe, enabling environment supporting sensory needs

  • Inclusive curriculum offer

    Inclusive curriculum offer

  • Broadly follows the National Curriculum

    Broadly follows the National Curriculum

  • Promotes independence and socialisation

    Promotes independence and socialisation

  •  Improving life-long outcomes

    Improving life-long outcomes

Read Our Story View Our Offer

Inspiring Futures: Year 11 Students Explore...

This term, our Year 11 GCSE students had the incredible opportunity to visit the historic Royal...

Fernways School Students Train with Tennis...

Two students from Fernways School recently had a fantastic opportunity to take part in a special...

Fernways visit Fulham FC – Craven Cottage

Fernways at Fulham FC – Craven Cottage Last week, a few of our Students (and some very...

Kedleston Triangle Kedleston Stick Kedleston wave


  • “My child feels safe and cared for, for the first time in many years.”


  • "He seems very happy and seems to have made a leap forward in a number of ways; expressing himself; his receptive understanding and all-round general happiness.  As you can imagine that makes me so happy and proud.  I know the school has a massive part to play in this now. "


  • "I wanted to say a massive thank you for creating such a fun filled week for the children, my child loves every day at Fernways.  It has been a brilliant term and we wanted to say a massive thank you for all that you do and for all the hard work that goes on behind the scenes."


  • "Thank you so much for the lovely atmosphere in school today, for all the fun activities and outings this week and for making Fernways a lovely school community."


  • "I just wanted to say a big fat thank you for everything you have done.  The time you have spent to get to know my child is amazing and we are very grateful.  He adores you and that shows how you fully understand him."


  • “Supportive, caring, understanding, and constantly adapting to the children and their needs.”


  • “There is a real community feel at Fernways and this makes a huge difference to him being able to access learning.”


  • “Fernways is a breath of fresh air, all of the staff are so lovely and easy to approach.”


  • “The staff at Fernways have changed her life, which is a positive for the whole family.”
