Meals | Families | Hawley Woods School | Schools | Our Locations | Kedleston Group
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Referrals : 0800 024 6985 | [email protected]

School Contact Information

Referrals : 0800 024 6985 | [email protected]

School Contact Information

Food and good nutrition are important aspects of a child’s ability to learn and take an active part in life, as well as creating healthy habits for their futures. Our schools and homes recognise this and offer a range of freshly-prepared meals designed to both support the children’s nutrition and health, but also offer foods they enjoy. Menus are created in a way which not only meets national nutritional guidelines, but also offer children options so they will always find a choice they enjoy.

In our day schools we offer breakfast clubs as well as a freshly-prepared two-course lunch as well as snacks at break time. This ensures young people are properly nourished throughout the day to give them the optimum opportunity to learn in class, as well as the chance to socialise and interact with peers and staff at communal meal times.

In our residential settings, all meals are provided. Many meals are whole-school activities but children are actively encouraged to help plan and prepare, with support as necessary from staff, their own meals within their home. We also focus on providing a full morning break within our residential school settings, bringing together the whole school to enjoy tea and toast mid-morning, allowing a short break from learning and to refuel for the rest of the morning’s activities. This has proved to be very successful in helping children maintain their focus and concentration through a morning’s work.

All dietary and health needs are taken into consideration and meals and menus prepared accordingly to make sure each young person enjoys a well-balanced menu and range of healthy meals.


Download the menu here.



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