At Olsen House School in Sefton, there have been some exciting developments and opportunities for the students. Here's a summary of what's happening:
Information Session with FE Providers: The school recently hosted an information session organised by Career Connect, which was attended by several local Further Education (FE) providers, including Hugh Baird College, Liverpool Community College, and Southport College. The event was highly successful, with active participation from both KS4 and many KS3 students. They spent the day reading and discussing literature from these educational organisations.
AWS GetIT STEM Programme: Olsen House School is proud to announce that it is one of the 60 schools in the country selected to participate in the AWS GetIT STEM Programme, organized by Amazon Web Services. This educational programme and competition is designed to encourage young people, especially girls and those from underrepresented communities, to explore careers in STEM. Thanks to Charlotte Corkill for her work to get the students involved in this prestigious programme.
AWS IT Ambassador Visit: An AWS IT Ambassador will be visiting the school on Friday, November 24th to kick off the AWS GetIT STEM Programme. This program will run during enrichment sessions and can be completed in small increments. It will take approximately 11 hours to complete, and students have until April 2024 to finish. Throughout the course, students will create a portfolio, which will be used for the final submission. Participation in the competition is on an opt-in basis and is open to all students at Olsen House, with a focus on those aged 12-14.
Global Competition: This opportunity allows students to compete with peers from around the world. The school will have the chance to submit one app idea, and an internal competition will be held to select the entry. Teams that make it to the finals will have the unique opportunity to present their ideas to a judging panel of experts in the tech industry in London.
Overall, these developments offer Olsen House School students an incredible chance to explore STEM careers, develop their skills, and compete on a global stage.