What makes us unique?
- A low arousal, enabling learning environment where children feel safe and secure.
- Quality First teaching throughout the school.
- National Curriculum.
- A personalised approach to holistic development, including a sensory diet.
- A working partnership with the family.
- Preparation for adulthood; accreditations and qualifications, life-skills and character building experiences.
Key information
- Day School.
- 7 – 17.
- Autism and associated needs.
- Functional Skills, Level 2 and GCSE qualifications.
- Occupational Therapy, Speech and Language Therapy and access to Educational Psychology and a Psychotherapist.
- Drama and movement, sensory circuits, sensory room support, Drawing and Talking Therapy and LEGO Therapy.
Silverways School provides specialist support for children with autism and associated needs in an environment designed to best meet their learning requirements. Our nurturing school educates up to 50 children aged between seven and 17 in small classes where learning and the curriculum is complimented by a through therapeutic offer.
We specialise in helping children who have found mainstream education challenging, and in some circumstances traumatic. Some children will have been out of education or have significant gaps in their attendance before joining Silverways. At Silverways we help children re-engage with education by providing a safe, low arousal environment and a team of outstanding teachers and support staff with a proven track record of successfully teaching children who struggle to cope in school.
Our carefully designed environment has been created to accommodate children’s sensory needs and create the best setting for them to learn and succeed.
The specially-designed school offers a safe learning environment. Children experiencing challenges will thrive in the school which takes a bespoke approach to teaching and learning. The team a creates broad, balanced and ambitious curriculum and provide the very best care and support for vulnerable children.
Class sizes are very small and classrooms are ‘enabling environments’ with sensory lighting, muted colours and visual timetables.
Through close partnerships with families, professionals and the wider community, Silverways School ensures that all young people thrive.
The range of qualifications offered include Functional Skills and GCSEs.
Our outside play area has been carefully designed to give children a chance to be physically active or rest and recuperate between lessons in a therapeutic space. Movement is so important for children with autism as it helps them self-regulate. So, with this in mind the play equipment has been designed to form a ‘sensory circuit’ which means children benefit from effects these movement have on their body and brain while simply ‘playing with friends’.